Sharpen Your Job Hunting Focus: It's Competitive Out There

Posted by naharazizi on Monday, October 24, 2011

unemployment numbers. Loss of job reports. Recent activities related statistics enough to want to just crawl under a rock and hide until "all this" blows over. Guess what? Not blowing more and nothing will be exactly as it was before. Jobs market is very competitive, you need to focus all your energy and effort to succeed


The reality is that there is a as jobs. People as getting hired. Registered unemployment statistic is actually a net number of jobs created minus jobs lost. Hear that? Of jobs. People employed. Companies are hiring, albeit with great care and specificity.

So, who is getting hired, and how can you ensure that you? Are companies hiring only the absolute brightest, most talented, highly educated, and inherently the best people on earth? Probably not. It is easy for job seekers to think that it seems impossible to compete against these mythical perfect people. But the reality is that once the basic work requirements met, the playing field is fairly even among all qualified applicants.

people who are getting hired are putting in the right places, talking to real people, and presenting the right skills at the right companies so that they are the best person for that position in that company at that time.

the best person for that position at that company at that time. This is not about the best person in the world, in the city, or even in your area. Only the best person for a particular need that the company has at this time. This is a critical mistake that many job seekers make. They tend to apply for each job to see, send a generic biography but directed all his energies on ferreting out the position in the company and the areas that are most suited for. Positions that May not be published, or even created yet (as they meet you ).

I can not and need not be a perfect candidate for any position out there. But you can and will be the perfect candidate for a particular position. Take a hard look at your skills, talents, backgrounds and experience. Research and identify the core group of companies that appear to be closest to what you do, or who are likely to need their skills. This is not the time to try to sell yourself on what you think you can do or learn on the job. Frankly, businesses do not have time, money or resources to spend on you. You have to have what they need right now. If not, move on and focus on opportunities where you're the best person that the company needs immediately.

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© 2011 Kristen Harris, Portfolio Creative, LLC.