These Career Boxes Sure Are Uncomfortable!

Posted by naharazizi on Monday, October 24, 2011

"We insist on the straight and narrow path when the artist is a spiral path" (Julia Cameron, Artist Way, Souvenir Press Ltd)

I wonder what this quote means to you. For me, this quote includes something very important about the paths we choose for ourselves and to lead others in choosing their own path. I'm not suggesting we all saw themselves as artists - but I do not believe that we all have the "creative potential" within us. One of the ways in which we express ourselves creatively in the work we do - in my professional life. I would like to invite you to consider the quote above in the context of how we approach our careers and prepare young people for them.

My purpose in writing this article is to explore the concept and implications of encouraging young (and older) people to pursue a career that is "logical" and "linear" in nature. Recently, I formed the belief that his career may not be "linear" in nature. What I mean is that many people will find themselves going out of compulsory education, the College, University, Career, promotion and so on - but many will not. Many will be chopping and changing, and finding it a challenge to find a place to settle and the rest as a profession for life. I found myself in this latter group, a part of this article is my story. I hope that sharing the trials, someone somewhere might start to think about a more fulfilling career that can only break the mold.

Like every writer, I am influenced by my personal experience. I, therefore, to introduce readers opinion piece "with the aim of encouraging debate, discussion and deeper thinking about how to prepare young people and encourage adults of all ages, to carry out their professional lives and direct their career path. The article discusses the way in which we have prepared for our careers as children and students in the school and the support we can or can not receive the "system" in making decisions about our education and our professional and vocational direction. i am very happy to share some of my own personal experience, not only reveals why this topic is of interest to me, but showing the complexity of finding a career and an understanding of what it ultimately means that the "grand scheme" of things. For me, this writing will be more than worthwhile if the reader has little to think about the issues I raise. This does not mean at all that this article is that it too seriously. In fact, I hope to encourage readers to consider the possibility of a wider, multi-faceted career. If I was a very brave I'd even share my secret hope that they will then get to some of the inspirational members of our younger generation and May even lead to a person a sense of hope relieved and excited about not fitting in one's career framework or "straight-line career .

Our lives are often categorized in the "Big Five": health, wealth, friends and family, leisure, and work, as May or May not equate to 'career'. The importance we place on our work is unique to individual, of course, central to our career, our identity will also vary tremendously. For example, for a job is just a way to spend a few hours five days a week, which also happen to pay the bills, and generally just something that is "expected" to do. For other career is the embodiment of life svrhu.Profesionalna role for that person may be a central identity as ethnicity, gender, age or religion. For the former, work is just something that they do.

Compare these two sentences:

in the store I work three days a week at the meat counter.

I am a butcher.

I grew up in Great Britain. About 14 years ago, children were asked to choose their options for items that are for their GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education). The culmination of their studies in these subjects will mark the end of their compulsory education. I remember choosing my subjects, humanities, drama, French, and all obliged, with little stress or dilemma. In fact it was not really play for me at this stage. Two years after my compulsory schooling was complete, I found myself sitting my level exams and applying for university courses in England. I was up to 6 universities to study elementary education with qualified teacher status. I was accepted by the University of Nottingham. Off I went to Uni in September 2000, having survived the Y2K disasters that are predicted! So at the age of 18 I found myself living in the dormitories, lectures and placements, and generally have a good time.

By halfway through the first year I decided to listen to a very strong "gut feeling" that teaching was not for me and made a call to tell my parents. I did not realize it at the time, but that decision will be the first of many instances in which my intuition is calling me -. And I listened to

Why do I share it with you?

What happened next was traumatic for my 18 year old just after he suffered basically no real drama to this point in my life. As dramatic as it sounds, I think I've completely lost a sense of who I am. I call it my mini-identity crisis.

I do not want to over-exaggerate this story, nor does it lower, because only the gift of hindsight I can say that it's actually not as bad as it seems. But, in any 18-year-old in the same position, calling it trivial to be insensitive and respect. Something I think we are the subject of young people too often.

Who was I if not a teacher? As I sad? What I was going to be? Who am I?

mini-identity crisis is manifested in a number of unpleasant thoughts and behavior patterns that I have since done a lot of hard work replaced with more empowering ways of thinking and being.

Even after I went back to Uni, got a degree and went to get a doctorate, my 'career' is still unclear to me. Do not get me wrong, I "know" that's what I want to do is to work professionally with people who want to create personal change for a long time. Ever since he learned that personal growth can become a profession, I knew it was for me. This is a total sense, and that is really the first time something is total sense when I thought about my career. Is it enough to make my training to become an expert in human thinking and behavior and take steps to practice as a professional coach and change moderator? I did not actively pursue a career in coaching for six years. Call it procrastination, waiting for the ducks to line up, or just plain fear, to me for so long. I was there at the end and it's not where the story ends.

I have 29 years. I left school 13 years ago. Only the other day that I started to even consider the concept of multi-faceted career, which consists of a series of activities and uses a number of my ability to earn revenue and find fulfillment. All I can say is that when I had a light bulb moment, and I suddenly thought, "Yeah, maybe I can be a writer, and trainer, and researcher, and workshop facilitator ..." - My world opens up. For the first time since childhood bliss, it makes sense.

Of course it feels unnatural to squeeze in a career framework that does not suit me. Of course I found a circle and never find anything to solve. For me there was one. It was crowds! It is only now, looking back at the first chapter of my professional life, I can sigh and relax knowing that it's okay if you do not fit in the career framework. There was not ever going to be one frame, one way or the career path for me. I am well and truly on the way spiral my destiny and I am excited to finally trust that my skill set has a lot to offer in many areas.

What makes sense to me most in all this is a decision to follow my passion. Do whatever feels good. To do things that take me in the course of action and creativity. To enable me to be free and express who I am through my work and my career. I feel safe in the knowledge that this is my true purpose.

I now wonder how to translate that experience into a meaningful message for young people who are scratching their heads and looking at Uni courses and job descriptions that are not quite who I want to become. I do not profess to have a universal wisdom, but we do encourage all young people out there, and people of all ages to listen to tap on the shoulder and begin to entertain the idea that his career could be a spiral path made ​​up of all kinds of different roles and instructions. Education and training are important if access to these early decisions with access to it can not be just a box that you fit in, you might just hear the voice of wisdom, your intuition, and that the first dream job that ticks all your boxes and moving to an exciting spiral career path of their own. I now have outdoor pleasure to work with people who want to create a career because they want to be, not just those who think they should be. I'm just a lucky one who gets to come along on a journey with them. What a joy.

Reference: Cameron, J. (1994) Artist way: a spiritual path to higher creativity. Souvenir Press Ltd