If you are looking for a job is very useful to create a job search strategy. Yes, looking for a new position can be overwhelming. However, if you have a strategy in place you will have a clear road map to follow. This road map will help you define where you should spend your time and how much time should be allocated for the various tasks necessary to find a place.
Here are tips on tasks that should be part of a successful job search strategy. This practical advice is derived from my personal experience as a 20 year veteran recruiter, success stories shared with me from the human resources professionals and other job seekers.
If you are unemployed, you should devote Monday to Friday from 8-5 on finding a new job. It is 40 hours per week that you can now devote to finding the best match between your skills and professional desires with that of the new position.
for a successful job search you need to spend time each day to networking, company research, monitoring of water, a new recruiter contacts, new corporate employer contacts, follow-up with recruiters and corporate contacts, sending resumes and cover letters, during the interview, interview coaching and motivation. This job search tasks have proven to deliver results. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but certainly over time you'll see results in a successful job search strategy.
Here is a good example of the road map for a successful job search strategy:
8-10 - to spend time networking with friends, colleagues, past, past, etc. (at least 10 calls / 10 e-mail / 10 thank you notes)
10-12 - research for at least 10 new companies in the industry that have experience or interest
12-12:30 - Home
12:30 to 2:00 - contact new recruits and new corporate employers (minimum 10 each)
2:00 to 3:30 - send resumes and cover letters
3:30 to 4:30 - Read motivational, self help or inspirational book, or schedule time with a career coach
4:30-5 - plan your time for tomorrow. Journal
Obviously, every day will be different as you will also spend a lot of talk and preparation for the interview. However, you need to plan, a strategy of seeking work, while you are interviewing or preparing for interviews. If you will allocate your time on the following tasks in your job search strategy, you will find a position.
Another great tip is to create a daily job search strategy. Journal at the end of each day what he did best today, was an encouragement to you, leads to a new company, certain individuals or companies who will follow up with sometime in the future, new tips and strategies you learn from today that you want to spend tomorrow.